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Here’s what happened to her last night while she was preparing dinner. 

As I was about to prepare dinner, I felt strange odor seemingly coming from outside hallway.

I thought someone was cooking, but then next moment, loud alarm started ringing, and urging us to evacuate using the stairs as soon as possible because of the fire. 

So much terrified, I immediately grab my bag and ran away from my room without even locking the door.

But the way to the ground from the 25th floor was so long and scary with smoke coming from somewhere.

I could finally evacuate from the apartment, and surprised to see we were surrounded by lots of fire trucks, police cars, evacuees, and onlookers.

Dumbfounded, I started to walk in the water sprayed by firefighters.

Because I don’t have Wi-Fi once I left the room, I had no means to get in touch with anyone, and the display showed I had only 23% battery left.

The only thing I could think of was to go to a hotel 2 blocks away from the apartment that one of Monnosuke’s patron’s brother working as a sales director, but I even didn’t know if he was there.

When I reached at the hotel, I found out he had gone home already.

But the front clerk was such a sweet person and she tried to help me as much as possible.

Handing me her personal battery charger, talking to me to relax.

As I could refill the battery, I could get in touch with the director and luckily, he was still at the hotel.

He immediately reserved a room just in case we couldn’t go back to the apartment.

By then, all I wanted to do was to get in touch with Monnosuke to let him know I was evacuating at the hotel.

But he, the boys, or Julie were in the middle of rehearsal, and couldn’t reach them.

As I searched my iPhone anyone I could reach, there was a graduate student visited Tokyo this summer and I knew her LINE account. 

I took a chance to call her but she didn’t answer, but she texted me “Are you OK?”.

Then I explained about the situation.

She was at her dorm but the moment later, she said “I’m sprinting to the theater to let Monnosuke sensei know that!”

I could imagine how fast she run in the darkness to the theater, and several minutes later, I could finally get in touch with Monnosuke.

Confirming that I’m okay, he came to the hotel to pick me up with Julie and the boys after finishing up the rehearsal.

Several hours later, when we went back, not a single firefighters, police cars, onlookers were there!

All gone!

And the janitor was in his room as usual, and I asked him “Is every okay now?”. 

Can you believe what he said?

“For now”


That’s it?

I was scared to death, I mean, do you think you don’t need to explain about the fire?

Anyway, when we went back to the room, still smoky but everything was as the same as I had evacuated, and the passports I had left were still there.

This morning as I woke up from the bed, my knees were weak.

From this experience, I have realized the older you get, the more exercise you need.

And you can always lend a helping hand to others whatever you can. It doesn’t matter what it is, the important thing is you think what you can do to help someone in need.