








Dr. Iezzi of the department of Theater and Dance told us the students were taking test of kabuki terms. 

According to her, they were really working hard and most of them could get good grades.

Imagining them living in Hawaii, more than 6,500km away from Japan, studying Kabuki terms for the exam made me smile.

Then as the fall semester starts in this coming August, they will study and learn about Kabuki basics more.

Did you know that there were Kabuki in Hawaii?

Probably not.

Japanese people (probably even those in Hawaii) hardly know that there were Kabuki in Hawaii more than 150 years ago.

There were many theaters that played Kabuki in Oahu and other islands.

Now that the generations have changed, the Kennedy Theater of the University of Hawaii is probably the one and only theater that has “hanamichi” and plays Kabuki in English.

I’ll explain the details of the project some other day.