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A young man would often listen to a radio seriously and write down something in the car.

And he would start stirring cabbage with curry powder and put it in a hotdog bun with sausages.

Then to an oven.

While he was heating up the hotdog, he would begin to make a graph on his notebook.

Not knowing what the information coming from radio was and the graph he was making were, I once asked him what they were.

Then he explained about stock market condition he was listening and the graph to me respectfully.

When I asked him if he made a lot of money, he said, “Not really.”

He took out the hotdog from the oven when the oven rang and put it in a paper bag.

The hotdog I ate with ketchup all over was so yummy and I would go and get one often.

But the food truck and the young man disappeared from the park suddenly without any notice.

He never came back.

During the period of rapid growth, the place where I was born and grown up was close to Kabutocho, a Wall Street of Japan and lots of stock traders having lunch there.

Every one was dreaming about the bright future.

I was imagining maybe he could make a killing in the stock market in the imaginary world of adult.