

「ケ・セラ セラ」(=なるようになる) がモットーの娘の受験は超、いやウルトラスーパーマイペース🤣


















Entrance examination season.

Laid-back and does things at her own pace, my daughter has also experienced entrance examination in her life twice; junior high and university.

Considering her motto is “Lo que será, será”, it’s not surprising that her life as a student preparing for the exams were super, but it was more than that.

I mean, ULTRA super laid-back days.

I’m not going to talk about her life preparing for junior high entrance exam today because I’m afraid it’s going to be too long.

Let me just explain her days as a high school student.

In the first place, we as parents were rather laid-back.

My wife came home telling an inciting instructor at a parent teacher meeting saying “If insane passion for the exam is the only way to her success as you have just said, then I don’t think that’s her way to choose.”

But still, she kept telling my daughter to study hard otherwise we would not pay for another year, instead we would ask someone to have her as an apprentice, just like an old days.

Despite all those words, my daughter didn’t care much about her critical situation.

People often say they study hard by cutting sleeping hours but her case is opposite.

She cut her studying hours to sleep.

Then we went to Yushima Tenjin to pray as nd asked for help.

But when we reached there, there were hundreds of people lining up in front of the temple in chilly weather.

Then she said decisively, “it’s misplacing the priority if I catch a cold now” “those who can pass, will pass” and we came home.