

今回の京都南座吉例顔見世 仁左衛門兄さんの 「一谷嫩軍記 熊谷陣屋」の相模、藤の局の2つの代役を勤めさせていただきました


心身共に大変でしたが お芝居の魅力を再認識し、とても充実した時間を過ごさせていただけたこと幸いに思っております


今回 僕にこの二役をさせてくださった仁左衛門兄さんに深く感謝いたします





Takataro kun has already come back since the 10th.

And Hidetaro san is coming to stage from today.

Playing the roles of Sagami and Fujino Kata of “Kumagai Jinya” at Minamiza featuring Nizaemon san as a substitute one after another, I tried to perform feverishly as a challenger and thanks to that, I could learn a lot and it has become a wonderful experience for me.

I must admit frankly it has been a tough experience for me mentally and physically but through this, Icould realize again the charms of Kabuki and spend a meaningful time.

I am blessed to have such fruitful experiences.

I will definitely try even harder to be able to use all the experiences I’ve gained till now.

I am so grateful to Nizaemon san beyond words for having me substituting the two roles.

Hidetaro san and Takataro kun, please take good care of yourselves!

And for those came to see the show and supported me, I really appreciate all your generous support.

Took a pic with Takataro kun before the show.