






ホテルの部屋に帰りチェックイン以来初めてテレビテレビを点けガーン いかに代役が決まってから今日まで集中して来たのかを改めて思いました




Upon myself nominated as Takataro kun’s substitute, needless to say my family, surprisingly many actors and friends have sent me messages of support.

I’m grateful to you all.

I don’t even remember how much I’ve concentrated myself since I had decided to accept the offer to be able to fill Takataro kun’s shoes and respond to their expectations.

Thanks to all of you, I could somehow play Sagami today and I’m relieved for the moment.

Kaomise at Kyoto Minamiza has a peculiar “power” that overwhelms actors on stage.

I don’t know how long I will be appearing, but try my best to be better and better day by day not to be overwhelmed by it.

After the stage, I visited Yasaka Shrine to pray we can finish the production without any serious problems until the finale.

When I come back to my hotel room, I turned the TV on for the first time since I had checked in and realized how much I had concentrated.

A bit relieved for being able to finish the stage without any major problem, I looked around this old city and its year end atmosphere makes me a bit nostalgic.