

数日は慌ただしく過ごし、お葬式も終わり妻と二人っきりになり冷凍庫を開けてみたら目 数日前に母と一緒に食べた母特製のコロッケが入っていました


妻と僕はもう2度と味わうことのないぐすん 母の味を二人で噛みしめながら食べました








My mother passed away right after I had gotten married.

With my wife joining in the family, we could have spent more happy days, but my mother broke down when she was out and died the next day.

After spending hectic days sorting out things you have to do on your family’s death, my wife and I opened freezer and found a Tupperware containing potato croquettes she had made several days ago.

Thinking of my mother in heaven, my wife and I tasted the croquettes we would never be able to have again.

When we came to the last one, both of us asked each other to have it.

While I asked my wife to take it to remember the taste of my mother.

But my wife wanted me to have it, “now that she’s gone, it’s going to be the very last one you can ever have made by your mom in heaven”.

And I take it and tasted it very hard to remember her taste.

Then the pic is potato croquettes made by my wife. (I sometimes help her mashing potatoes or frying the croquettes, though.)

It’s our special and favorite menu.