
無事終了🙆🏻‍♂️後アップ 気が大きくなっちゃって音譜 近くのデパートの地下でお菓子をあれこれ目

あっガーン 若鮎だアップ

数年前、いや数十年前にやりは 6月☔️名古屋中日劇場🍤 7月🎋歌舞伎座というスケジュールが多かったのでこの若鮎を見るとあの頃を思い出します☺️

あの頃は僕らも若鮎キラキラのようだった!?…はず?です… もやもや

若鮎だった頃… 口笛


Annual check of gastroscopy today.

After the checkup, I was feeling so relieved by the result, I strolled around sweets aisle in a basement floor of a department store nearby on the way home.

Oh, here it is! 

I was kind of looking for this.

“Wakaayu” meaning young energetic ayu fish is a traditional Japanese confectionery you can find especially in this season.

Since I used to appear at Nagoya Chunichi Theater in June and Kabukiza in July every year until a few years ago, I mean several decades ago, the sweets brings back my memories of those days when I was still young enough to be called “Waka ayu”... probably...maybe...

Above pics are taken when I was a young and energetic “waka ayu”.