
にもかかわらず、高麗蔵さん始め瀧乃屋の面々が集まって僕のサプライズ誕生パーティー 🎉 🎊 🎂 を祝ってくれました


トシヨロイヅカのバースデーケーキ 🎂 はじゃんけん大会グー チョキ パーで勝った順!!

盛り上りましたアップ  ウシシ ぼけー 


なかなか言う機会がないけれど、僕にとってみんなは「宝」宝石ブルー宝石緑宝石紫宝石赤宝石白 です



門之助 ハロウィン

Shinbashi Enbujyo was closed yesterday.

Komazo san and Takinoya members gathered and we had a surprise birthday party yesterday, even though it was a holiday.

Very grateful and glad that they had been secretly prepared for the party.

Had a rock-paper-scissor tournament for a beautiful birthday cake by Toshi Yoroizuka.

All of us were quite excited.

Let me tell you that I am so grateful for all of you for supporting me every moment.

You’re my cherished treasures.

Let’s stay being a good team!

And to Takijiro san and Monsho san who could come last night, please stay with me and forever, too.