貴重なお休み 音譜 をどう過ごすのか

僕にとっては大きな課題です うーん

毎月の体調管理に病院  病院 に行き、

その他用事を足したら あせる

あとは何する ??


今日は妻にまだ観ていなかった「ロケットマン」 カチンコ カラオケ を観ようと言われ  

予想外に泣けました ぐすん

門之助 お月見

It’s a serious question what to do on a precious holiday for me.

After monthly health check and other small things to be done, then I was at a loss what to do rest of the day.

Upon my wife’s suggestion to see Elton John’s movie “ Rocketman”, I decided to spend the rest of my day in a movie theater.

Beyond expectation, the movie itself made me cry.