やったぁ アップ

「ブラックモンブラン」 キラキラ ゲット 音譜


佐賀のアイスクリームバーでチョコレートコーティングの上にピーナツ🥜 が混ざったクランチが

芝居が終わった後、「ブラックモンブラン」を求めて田町まで 車




そうすれば、落ちてしまったクランチは後でさらっと口の中へ直接流し込めると言うことみたい 音譜


ピーナツ🥜 の香ばしさがまたいいね👍


娘は当たり にやり

また買いに行こう¥っと 口笛

門之助 金魚

I made it!

I could get “Black Montblanc”.

It’s an ice cream bar covered with chocolate with peanut crunch from Saga and they had been advertising for 9 hours running in radio today.

Listening to it, I just couldn’t help eating it!

In search of it, I went all the way down to Mita.

I asked a shop clerk if there were “Black Montblanc”, right after entered the supermarket.

He said “Yes”!

When I went back, I rushed to the table and opened it but in this way so that you can eat all the crunches in the end.

It’s so crispy and a dash of peanuts makes it savory. 

Although I lost the lottery of the stick, I don’t care because they have a campaign…

sort of  “No more tears in lottery” campaign.

My daughter won the lottery, though.

I’m going to get one again soon.