昨夜は鵜原という小さな集落にある八坂神社 神社 の本祭り祭

このお祭り 祭 では大名行列が浜まで続きますびっくり

ここでは煌々と明かりを灯す 💡💡💡 たくさんの夜店 たこ焼 は見られません

灯りは街灯と普段は静かな集落の軒先を照らす提灯 🏮🏮🏮のみ

遠くから聞こえてくる子どものお囃子 音譜


満点の星空の下星星星  夜遅くまでおじいちゃん、おばあちゃんたちも軒先🏮🏮🏮で楽しそうにおしゃべり



もう梅雨明けが待ちきれないとばかりにひまわり ヒマワリヒマワリヒマワリ が満開

ヒグラシの鳴き声 音譜 ってなんだか寂しくなりますね 汗

門之助 金魚

A summer festival of Yasaka Jinjya in a small district called Ubara, Katsuura, last night.

In this festival, a daimyo procession goes down to beach.

This unique festival is not of commercial base where many night stalls selling i.e. yakisoba, cotton candies, okonomiyaki, etc. are, under bright light.

The lights are only streetlights and vague lantern lights decorated the whole district usually very quiet at night.

Japanese festival music played by local kids coming from somewhere 

Teenagers dressed in typical festive costumes with sharp face...

From them, we can see that it’s once a year special local festival.

Grandpas and grandmas are chatting in front of their house under the starry lights.

Maybe this is the original festival how it used to be.

Then today, it’s another cloudy day.

But the sunflowers were in full bloom.

They look like they can’t wait anymore for the summer to come.

The songs of evening cicadas make me sad, you know.