熱帯低気圧  雷 が台風  台風 になるのか…

そして台風 台風 になったとしてどこへ向かうのか

わからないことだらけの予報ながら急に休みが時間がとれたので、勝浦へひとっ飛び 車

すると半分あきらめていたのに、晴天に 晴れ


やっぱりいいなぁ 波

夜は バター焼き 音譜


単に逆光だっただけ グラサン

門之助 金魚

Whether the tropical low pressure area would develop into a typhoon or not ...

And if it will, where is it going to...

There were so many questions this time.

But I decided to come to Katsuura since I happened to have a day off.

I was almost  given up to go to beach but surprisingly it has cleared up today.

Then I rushed to the beach wherebI love.

Have had wonderful dinner at veranda.

No, no, I’m not tanned.

I may look tanned but it’s just because I took a picture against the sun.