今日はアムステルダム の学会から帰って来たミシェルと駄菓子屋さんへ 音譜

ここは夏 打ち上げ花火 祭 だけ開く小さな店先でかき氷 カキ氷 が食べられる駄菓子屋さん

去年はこんなポスター オバケ が... ガーンあせる

夏休み 晴れ 波 クマノミ の子ども時代 波 浮き輪 を思い出すなぁ

門之助 金魚

Took Michelle to a mom and pop store who got back from conference in Amsterdam 

It’s opens only in summer to serve shaved ice.

Last summer, I saw this poster of a scary stories event by a famous monk at an old temple taped to the wall.

It brings back my memories of my childhood in summer.