妻が手紙を投函しようと車のドアを開けると、なにやら白くて小さいものが !?



ちゅんちゅん 音譜 と鳴きながらずっと側を離れない

手に乗って来そうなほど、近づいてくる ラブラブ

ポスト📮に行くために妻が通りを渡ったら、なんとちゅんちゅん言いながらついて行った 🐥


アンジェラ 🐶 会いに来てくれたのはてなマーク

門之助 金魚

As my wife opening the door of car, something little whitish came towards.

It came closer to her feet when she came out of the car.

It was a little white sparrow with brown spots kept chirping and stayed there.

It came even closer as if it wished to come up on her palm.

When my wife crossed the street to post a letter, it flew and crossed the street as well.

Then, it went closer towards her and started to chirp again.

It didn’t seem to go away and kept looking at her face with tilting its head.

Was it you, Angela?