外出先から帰宅する際、我が家の前まで来ると思わず早足に 🏃🏻‍♂️

玄関の扉を中を覗き込むように 目 開けると ドア

                          ... 汗

そうだったね... 汗

アンジェラは逝っちゃったんだっけ... 👼🏻

今更ながらどんな気持ちでお留守番をしていたんだろううとか... 汗

いつもちぎれるほどに尻尾を振って出迎えてくれたなぁとかあしあと 音譜 音譜 音譜

手に残るアンジェラの柔らかな温もり ラブラブ を思い出したり



こんな僕たち家族をまたあの呆れたような顔で見上げてるかなぁ ぐすん

門之助 あじさい

On the way back home, when I see the entrance door of my house, I still run to and open it slowly, looking inside if Angela is doing OK.


yeah, that’s right!

Angela, you’re gone and not waiting for me anymore.

Wonder if she was terribly missing me when I was not at home.

I remember how much she would wag her tail when I’m back.

Still feel her warmth and soft fur in my arms.

At last, I had a courage enough to go and print her photo today but took a while to pick up one from hundreds.

Maybe she’s looking at us with rolling her eyes.