
発表会が楽しみでもあり 音譜  終わってしまうのが寂しくもあり汗



初めは全く歌舞伎の基礎もない上、日本語すら話したことがない学生たちに、2週間でどこまで教えられるのかと、不安が一杯 えー? ぼけー

でもすぐにそれは取り越し苦労だとわかり、毎日眼を見張るような進歩を見せてくれた学生たちと今日でお別れ ぐすん

授業を終えると毎日通ったマノアキャンパス虹 は夕暮れ 🌄

門之助 あじさい

Finally, the workshop is over.

I was looking forward to have recital today,  while, at the same time, it’s a pity that it was going to be over which ended in a great success.

The families and friends of the students were pleased their performance.

At first, I was quite worried if the students with neither kabuki experience nor Japanese knowledge could be able to learn in 2 weeks, but soon I found out I was a worrywart.

They have improved day by day.

And today, I have to say goodbye to them.

It was the beautiful sunset in Manoa when the class was over.