今日は梅雨 雨 入り前の貴重な晴天 晴れ

2年前に娘がほおずき市 やや欠け月 で買ってきてくれたほおずきの鉢 キラキラ

「歌舞伎座の楽屋に飾ってね」と ラブラブ

この2年もうだめかな... 汗とも思いつつ、諦めずに毎日水 💧💧💧💧💧をあげ続けたら

ついに花を咲かせました アップ



今年は可憐な花 黄色い花 をつけてくれました

水をたっぷりあげる 💧💧💧💧💧💧と喜んでいるよう


今年じゃなくてもいい ほっこり



門之助 霧

It’s a beautiful day today before the coming rainy season. 

The Chinese Lantern Plant my daughter brought me from “Hozuki Ichi” in Asakusa , saying that she wants me to decorate in my dressing room at Kabukiza has flowered at last.

Although a little desperate, I’ve been watering it every day for these 2 years.

It has been trying to survive secretly for two years.

The flowers look so humble and pretty.

Looks like happy as I give water.

It may bear pretty orange fruit this summer.

But I don’t mind, if it takes time.

It’ll bear beautiful fruits some day, I’m sure.