

いただいた鰹 🐟 を一本抱えてあせる 山を登り 親戚の家 ⛰へ

まずは包丁 🔪 を研いで


焚き火 メラメラ を利用し





ちっとも生臭みがなくて絶品 ラブラブ


これがまたおいしい 音譜

焚き火 メラメラ にこそっと入れておいたサツマイモ 🍠は最高のデザート

ウグイスの声 音譜 を聞きながら、

そして新緑 霧 と海  🌊 を見ながらみんなでいただくごはんはプライスレス アップアップアップ だね

門之助 霧

The first day of Reiwa.

Hope it’ll be a wonderful era.

Carried a bonito my friend gave me last night all the way up to the mountain where our relatives house is.

In order to have it as “Tataki”; sliced bonito lightly grilled with its inner flesh still raw, first, we need to sharpen knives,

second, fillet the fish into three into three pieces, 

and then grill it with bonfire.

Serve them with plenty of seasonal onions and mitsubas that grow naturally in the garden.

And finally have them with grated ginger and garlic.

It’s surprisingly excellent without fishy smells.

We cooked the rest of the bonito with plenty of ginger, soy sauce and sugar.

Wow, this is awesome, too.

As dessert, we had baked sweet potatoes in bonfire.

Listening to nightingales singing in fresh green mountains and sounds of blue waves of the sea, and have seasonal food is definitely “priceless” moments .