アロハガーデン館山  は、ハワイ  がテーマの動植物園   ということだけど、とにかくかわいい動物たち  ハムスターセキセイインコ黄 ぶーぶー ヒツジ ウサギ と直接触れ合えることが魅力 音譜

ヤギの美海(ミミ)ちゃん  とお散歩 

やっぱりカピバラ  はなかなかかわいいや 




いいね〜 アップ

残念ながらコツメカワウソ  はお昼寝中 ぐぅぐぅ


Tateyama Zoo and Botanical Garden is actually a petting zoo.

Walking a goat called “Mimi”.

After all, capybaras are so adorable with long upper lips and almond eyes.

Seeing me with leaves in my hands, they rushed to me and started munching them.

With calm personality and warm body temperatures, they’re such mind soothers.

I just love them.

Too bad, Asian small-clawed otters were taking naps and I missed a chance to interact with them.