今日の東京は寒さの中にも春 雛人形   卒業証書 の足音  が聞こえてくるような陽気 

銀座の片隅に十月桜 桜 が咲き始め

思わず写真 スマホ を撮っちゃった

駅には毎年この時期になると某中学受験専門    の塾の「がんばれ受験生」のポスターが

娘の中学受験    の頃を思い出すなぁ

受験生の皆さん   春  はもうすぐそこ



Despite the cold winds, the scent of spring hung in the air in today’s Tokyo.

“Jyugatsu Zakura” has started to bloom in a corner of Ginza and I tried to take beautiful pictures of it in spite of myself.

Posters of a famous cram school saying “Do your best, junior high school examinees!” at subway stations. 

It makes me remind of my daughter being an examinee.

Well, for those of you who’re going to take entrance examinations, you can do it! 

In just another couple of weeks, you’ll be finishing this.

Spring is coming to every one, for sure.