今日の日本列島 🇯🇵 はこの冬一番の冷え込み  

関東も雪  のニュースが舞い込んできました 


我が家も先日ついにクリスマスツリー  が 

やっぱりクリスマスツリー  を飾ると一気に部屋が明るく  なっていいなぁ 

クリスマス   は家族揃って、今あることに感謝しつつ    家でゆっくり過ごすのが我が家の慣わし  

みなさんはどんなクリスマス    を過ごす予定ですか 


It’s been the coldest day of this season today in Japan.

They’re saying that it’s snowing even in Kanto area.

It’s the holiday season.

We have decorated our Christmas tree the other day.

It’s always nice to have a Christmas tree in our living room.

Appreciating for being there for each other and moments we can share , we spend Christmas Eve at home with family.

How about you?

What is your plan for the Christmas?