今月の夜の部「壇浦兜軍記」Bプロで阿古屋  を勤める梅枝くん  と児太郎くん 

楽屋でも時間があると三曲(琴、三味線、胡弓)    のお稽古 

傾城 阿古屋の拵え  で役になりきっての演奏は、とても大変  なはず

理想に近づくために二人とも頑張ってるなぁ 拍手


Baishi kun and Kotaro kun have performed “Akoya” in “Dannoura Kabuto Gunki” tonight.

They alway practice koto, shamisen and Kokyu at the backstage whenever they have time.

It must be really hard for them to play the instruments while performing cultured and refined courtesan “Akoya” with big and heavy costumes and wigs on.

They are doing their best to close to their ideal.