今日は同じ楽屋の児太郎くん  の「阿古屋」の初日


心の中で応援 📣しつつ楽屋  をあとに


勝鬨橋を渡り 🌁
晴海大橋 🌁 から晴海埠頭  ⚓️ 🚢 🛳 を見ると 目 オリンピック選手村      の工事 🚧⛏

その先の「有明アリーナ」🏐 🥇 🥈 🥉 の工事 🚧 ⛏ 🛠 も大分進んでる 

なんだか未来 💫への時の流れ  を感じるよなぁ


Kotaro kun sharing the dressing room with, is appearing as Akoya for the first time at Kabukiza today.

Keeping my fingers crossed for him, I left the room after my appearance.

Well, I’m going to walk home today.

As I overlooked towards the Harumi Pier from the Harumi Bridge,  I could clearly see the Olympic Village under construction, after having crossed the Kachidoki Bridge. 

The construction of the Ariake Arena is progressing a lot, also.

Feeling the flow of the future times, it was a pleasant walk from the theater to my home.