銀座のミキモト  で「二代目中村吉右衛門写真展」を拝見して参りました

いかにも播磨屋のお兄さん  らしく重厚で見応えのある素晴らしい写真展でした 

写真家 カメラ 鍋島徳恭氏の作品を伊勢和紙にプリントしたそうですが、お兄さん  の威厳と圧倒的な存在感が和紙を通して伝わってくるようです




Been to the photo exhibition of Kichiemon Nakamura II at the Ginza MIKIMOTO.

It was a wonderful exhibition with the photographs of Kichiemon san who has a lot of depth and impresses audience with dignity or gravity.

The works by a photographer Naruyasu Nabeshima are printed on Japanese traditional papers.

Through them, we can feel Kichiemon san’s overwhelming presence.

I strongly recommend you to go and see these excellent works.

Don’t miss it!