いよいよ今日は、京都南座  の開場式 🎊 とお練り

四条通りを南座前 演劇 から八阪神社  まで。

沿道の沢山の方々とお会いできて楽しかったぁ〜 アップ  

楽屋は猿之助さん   中車さん   團子ちゃん  と一緒で楽しいひと時 ゲラゲラ


The opening ceremony and the parade by Kabuki actors of the Kyoto Minamiza that everybody has been waiting.

We’ve paraded from the Minamiza to the Yasaka Shrine.

Enjoyed meeting a whole bunch of people while parading.

Shared a dressing room with 
Ennosuke san, Chusha san and Danko chan which and we have had fun.