今日のもん散歩🚶🏻‍♂️もみじ は、常々行きたいと思っていた今、話題の「仁徳御陵」または「仁徳天皇陵」 へ


大き過ぎて、全体像が掴めなかったけど アセアセ   


そして百舌鳥八幡  を参拝


Mausoleum of Nintoku Empror had been one of the places I wanted to visit.

I was finally able to get there this morning.

It’s the talk of the town that the Imperial Palce Agency has allowed the excavation and research with Sakai City.

Too large to grasp it as a whole but it certainly is a refreshing place.

Then to Mizu Hachimangu.