ホテルを出ると遠くにお神輿 祭 が… びっくり

キョロキョロ見渡す目 と「船場まつり」祭 の旗

難波神社 神社 と博労稲荷 神社 のお祭り祭 だって

よし難波神社 神社 へ行こうビックリマーク

樹齢400年を超える楠木 🌳 を撫でて参拝 お願い

その後サムハラ神社   へ

人気の指輪型 💍 の御守りは、今月中旬なんだってダウン


門之助  月見

Coming out of my hotel, I saw an “omikoshi”, a portable shrine in the distance.

As I looked around, I found a flag saying “Senba Matsuri” which is a festival of Namba Jinjya and Bakuro Inari.

OK, then why don’t I go there.

 I gently stroked the camphor tree of around 400 years old, then prayed.

Afterwards I visited Samuhara Jinjya.

Their amulet with a shape of a ring is going to be 

The popular ring amulet will be launched in mid. October, they say.

I’ll be back!