今日はあいにくの雨 雨 となりましたが、厚木市民会館にはたくさんのお客様が 

皆さまに支えられ、この巡業   も無事千穐楽を迎えました 


裏方さんたち、お弟子さんたち、付き人さん、そして皆が寝ている間、道具を載せて次の開催場所まで深夜ひた走るトラック   の運転手さんたち


被災地も含め様々なところ  🏯 を訪ねました

また貴重な思い出  が増えました





門之助  月見

Despite the bad weather, so many people have come to the theater today.

Thanks to all of your support, we could finally finish the tour.

Without the support of audience, stage carpenters, each actor’s apprentices, assistants and truck drivers driving till midnight all the way to a next place to perform while we are sleeping.

Have met so many people and visited various places including disaster areas in these 26 days.

Those are my precious memories.

I am grateful to all of you who have supported us.

Thanks a lot also for donating to the charity yesterday and today.

Once again, I would like to express my deepest sympathies and pray things will be back to normal as soon as possible in the disaster areas.