今日の 松山ひめぎんホールは13時30分開き 演劇

楽屋入りまでまだまだ時間が あるので東雲神社  へ 

リフト  に乗って松山城  へ

ふぅ〜  楽しい〜   

今日の天守閣  へは、一番乗りだぁ 

松山城  のマスコット「よしあきくん」 とツーショット 


まだまだ汗ばむ陽気  だから身体に沁みわたる〜 

リフレッシュした後は、旧松山藩主子孫が建てたフランス風 🇫🇷 洋館の萬翠荘  へ。


一風呂浴びる    時間がなくて残念 

「坊ちゃん列車 」🚂 だぁ〜

門之助  月見

Still have enough time to stroll around since matinée at Matsuyama Himegin Hall opens at 13:30.
Okay, I’m going to Shinonome Jinjya.

Next, to Matsuyama Castle by a lift which is rather thrilling.

Wow, I’m the first to arrive at the castle tower!

Feeling great!

Took a picture with Yoshiaki kun, a mascot for the Matsuyama Castle.

Iyokan soft serve and it made me refreshed in this hot weather.

Then I visited Bansuiso, a French style mansion built by a descendant of the lord of Matsuyama.

Too bad I don’t have time to take a bath but I visited Dogo Onsen near the hall we’ll be appearing at.

Here is a picture of an old nostalgic train that show up in the famous novel “Bocchan”.

Well, it’s about the time to go to the hall now.