先日 高麗蔵さん  のお供で「ビックカメラ」カメラ ヘッドフォン パソコン テレビ 腕時計 へ

高麗蔵さん  の目的は...

「任天堂スイッチ」 音譜

野球 野球 のゲーム 🎮🕹 がやりたいんだってゲラゲラ



ゲーム 🎮🕹の感想ははてなマーク

門之助  かに座

To BicCamera in Yurakucho with Komazo san.

The reason why I joined him was that he wanted to buy “Nintendo Switch” to play a baseball game.

Excited to see so many games and toys there despite our age.

Komazo san, how did you like the game?