台風 13号💨 の被害が心配です


さてそんな荒れ模様のお天気ですが、明日の初日を前に歌舞伎座  の舞台稽古は続いています。






僕のお気に入りはクリームにちょっぴりジンジャーの風味がする「クリームフィンガー」 と泉屋のマークの浮き輪型 浮き輪 クッキーにドライフルーツが散りばめられた「リングダーツ 」


門之助  かに座

Anxious about the anticipated damages the Typhoon SHANSHAN may cause.

For those who live in the seaside of the Boso Peninsula and Tohoku, please don’t hesitate to evacuate.

No need to hesitate and get ready to evacuate before it gets dark.

As for the rehearsal for August Kabuki, it’s still going on.

Tomorrow is the opening day, that’s why.

And I’m a little bit peckish.

Let me talk about everyone’s favorite the “Izumiya” cookies!

When you open the can with the same old design, it’s a dreamland!

But you know, different people has different taste.

There are always some kinds that will be left over.

In order to avoid it, they sell individual packages these days.

My favorites are: Cream Finger with a slight flavor of ginger and Ring Darts, a float shaped cookie with dried fruits.

What is your favorite?