砂浜に寝そべって    青い空に浮かぶ白い雲を眺める 


ブイまで泳いで帰ってきたら、正午を知らせる「ふるさと」のメロディー  が鳴ってる

お昼はいつもの海の家でラーメン ラーメ

休憩後、駄菓子屋  の店先で夏  だけやってるかき氷屋さん  へ

今夜は火星  の大接近、これで見られるかな 

平成最後の夏休み 花火 波 カキ氷 をギリギリまで満喫 

門之助  かに座

Lying on the beach and looking at white puffy clouds in the sky...

Must be awesome if I were a black kite in the sky 

The melody telling that it’s noon has just started to be played when I made a run to buoy.

Had “ramen” at the usual beach house.

After a pleasant break, I went to a penny candy store that serves shave ice only for summer.

Then I’m going to observe stars tonight ‘cause Mars is making its closest approach to Earth.

I am enjoying summer vacation until the very last minute.