人形町  には新旧こもごもたくさんの名店     があります


ここは卵焼き 鳥🥚 がおいしい

通常のものと親子焼 鳥🥚

親子焼は鶏の挽肉🐓と三つ葉 ☘️ が入ってる


う〜ん ラブ


並びにはがんもどきが有名なお豆腐屋さん  の「双葉」



いつもここでは楽屋で薫くお香  を買ってます

人形町の大通りには「黄金芋」 が有名な「寿堂」

挙げたらキリがないな ウインク


門之助  かに座

 Tons of cool shops in  Ningyocho.

Say “Toritada” famous for its “tamagoyaki”. 

Regular and the “oyakoyaki” which has minced chicken and Japanese honeywort in it.

This is irresistibly awesome!

The next door is “ Futaba” that sells tofus. 

It’s famous for “ganmodoki”.

And the right next is a tea shop “ Morinoen”. 

They roast tea leaves at the store front and it smells so good.

If you turn the corner, you’ll see an indent shop “Shouei Doo”.

I always use one at my dressing room.

In the mainstream, you see Japanese traditional sweet shop “Kotobuki Doo”. 

They’re famous for its sweet potato-shaped  cinnamon cake “Kogane Imo”.

Well, there are uncountable shops there.

These are the shops opened yesterday.