来月の歌舞伎座 「東海道中膝栗毛」で勤めるお役の一つ「基督」を少しでも感じようと四ツ谷のイグナチオ教会 ⛪️ へ

もちろん近づくことなんか到底できないけど、教会の中に入るだけで なにか大きなものを感じて 気持ちが落ちつくな

それにしても今日はいつも以上に暑い メラメラ

42℃かぁ… あくまで路面温度だけどね

佃島の河岸でおいしいチャイニーズ  でひと息

デザートはスターバックス  で「ピーチピンクフルーツフラペチーノ」 

ところで木場のスターバックス  では、8/6の広島での平和式典 🕊 に奉納する折り鶴を集めていると言うので、折らなくっちゃ 

今ある幸せに感謝し    戦争の犠牲になった方々へ哀悼の気持ちを込めてお願い

と思ったら、すっかり鶴の折り方を忘れちゃって   孤軍奮闘 


門之助  かに座

St. Iganatius Church in Yotsuya to feel Jesus Christ.  

I’m going to play the role of Jesus in “Tokaidochu Hizakurige” in this coming August.

Of course, I’ll never be close to Him, but at least I could feel His greatness just staying in the church.

At any rate, the deadly heat is getting to us more than “usual”.

I wonder why...it’s 42 degrees...

Lunch at a nice relaxing Chinese restaurant by Sumida River. 

“Peach Pink Fruits Frappuchino” as a dessert at Starbucks.

They’re asking for paper cranes for the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Ceremony on August 6th.

I would gladly cooperate for it with much appreciation of the present peace and condolences for the lives lost in the War.
But then... I found that I have completely forgotten how to fold cranes.

After fighting alone, I could finally fold a crane but my drink had already melted by that time...