姉  が働いている神楽坂の「英(ハナブサ)」 着物  を選びに


ご存知の方も多いと思うけど、「英」の着物  は洗える  んですよ 

雨の季節 雨 や汗 あせる の季節には大活躍 


最高級の洗える着物をお値打ちで買える ¥ チャンスだぁアップ


大急ぎで東銀座へ移動して  16日に予定しているお食事会  の打ち合わせ 



門之助  あじさい

Been to “Hanabusa” my sister works at.

It’s a shop you can buy washable kimonos, as most of you probably know.

The picture is with the owner (right) and my sister (left).

It’s washable kimonos are perfect for rainy or sweaty seasons.

Let me tell you that they’re going to have a “Ariga to” sale from June 20th to July 5th.

It’s a great opportunity to get washable kimonos of highest quality.

Then, I rushed to Higashi Ginza to have a meeting with my “banto” about a luncheon party on 16th.

I’ll try my best to have them enjoy the party.

I won’t let my patrons down!

I used the meeting as the excuse to have beautiful waffles.