今日は真夏のような太陽の下   銀座  をお散歩 🚶🏻‍♂️

あまりの暑さ   にギンザシックス  でジュースジュースオレンジ

日比谷の「RINGO」リンゴでは 焼きたてカスタードアップルパイリンゴ  

ゲットするまでしばらく並んだけど、うん   並んだ甲斐があったな 

門之助 あじさい

I strolled around Ginza today under the summer like sunshine.

It was so hot that I stopped by a juice shop to drink a cup of orange juice.

Then I went to “RINGO” to get some apple pie with custard cream fresh out of the oven.

Although I needed to make a long line to buy the pies, it was worth it.