休演日     の今日は、朝6時起き⏰ で お伊勢参りへ 

電車 電車 の中では、みんなスーツ🕴🕴🏻🕴🏻🕴🕴🕴💼 で通勤の様 ゲラゲラ

宇治山田駅までは、浅野さん  と一緒 

昨日の雨 雨 も上がり爽やかな風の中  外宮  内宮   瀧原宮  などたくさんお参りしちゃった 

途中、「おかげ横丁」でお昼ごはん  の「てこねすし」

デザートは、赤福  の入ったカキ氷 

良い休日  だったなぁアップ


Waking up early in the morning, I had a short trip to Ise with Ennosuke san and the others.

Dressing up in suits, we looked like businessmen in train to Ise.

Asano san was a on the same train until Uji Yamada but he was bound for another place.

Completely different from the rain of yesterday, we had a beautiful weather today and could visit many shrines such as the Inner, Outer Shrine and Kiyohara no Miya Shrine. 

Had Tekone Sushi for lunch at “Okage Yokocho”.

And for dessert, we had shaved ice with “Akafuku”.

Indeed, I had a wonderful day.