今日は名古屋御園座スーパー歌舞伎セカンド「ワンピース」   の初日 


思い切って熱田神宮  へ 

公演の安全と盛況を祈願 お願い

ここには「三種の神器」の一つ草薙剣  が祀ってあるんですよね

「清め茶屋」で 冷やし白玉ぜんざい 

美味しい〜 ラブ

それから白鳥 になったヤマトタケル  が降り立ったと言われる白鳥古墳へ


Super Kabuki II “ONE PIECE” in Nagoya Misonoza is opening today.

I have plenty of time before going to the theater ‘cause we only have soirée.

That’s why I’m here in Atsuta Jingu Shrine to pray for the safety and success of “ONE PIECE”.

Here, they deify “Orochi Sword” one of the Three Imperial Regalias.

Enjoyed “Hiyashi Shiratama Zenzai” at “Kiyome Jaya”.

Mmm, excellent!

Then, I visited the one of the ancient womb “Shiratori Tomb Mound” where it is said that Yamato Takeru who turned to be a white bird came down from the air.