いよいよ名古屋御園座  に舞台は移り  

今日は、先ず「顔寄せ」 から修祓式 🙏  宙乗り アップ  フライング 

そして踊り   と立ち回り  の稽古。

劇場 演劇 の機構に合わせた演出、より良い演出に変更

何しろ新しい御園座  は初めて 

その間に楽屋 ブラシ 舞台裏   奈落  客席 拍手 などをうろうろ     



Finally, we have moved to Misonoza, Nagoya.

Have had “kaoyose”, safety praying ceremony, mid-air stunt and flying.

We also have rehearsed dancing and fighting scenes. 

And we are changing the play conforming with the mechanism and system of the theater.

Since this is the first time to perform in this theater, we snoop around dressing rooms, backstage, trap rooms and audience floor.
We need to get accustomed to the new Misonoza ASAP!