ゴールデンウイーク  の中、今夜の名古屋入り 新幹線後ろ新幹線真ん中新幹線前 を前に

お昼は太陽を浴びながら  波 海の近くで海鮮丼  もぐもぐ


また、ひと月 外食生活 だぁナイフとフォーク

櫃まぶし、味噌カツ、味噌煮込みうどん、手羽先… アップ

こっちは平さん  エースの手羽先  目


“Golden week” has started today.

And I’ll be leaving for Nagoya today.

Have had seafood bowl for lunch at a small seaside restaurant this afternoon under the sun.

I wonder what we are going to have for dinners.

Again, I am going to out for a month.

Local specialities such as eels, cutlet with miso sauce, udon, fried chicken wings...

Here is Ace’’s “wings”!