スーパー歌舞伎セカンド「ワンピース」  に今回から参加の下村 青さん 


皆様ご存知の通り、「劇団四季」桜波紅葉雪だるま 在籍時代では「美女と野獣」 の「ルミエール」 「ライオンキング」しし座 では「スカー」を勤めていらしたんですよ

しかもバトントワリング では、世界選手権3位🥉  全米オープンバトン優勝 🥇の腕前 ポーン




皆様、是非イワンコフ の歌声  を聴きに来て下さいね 


Iwamura san as Ivankov appearing first time in “ONE PIECE”.

He has played the roles of “Lumière” in “Beauty and the Beast”, “Scar” in “Lion King” when he belonged to “Shiki Theatre Company”, as you know.

What is more, he won the third place in the Baton Twirling World Championship.

And believe it or not, he won the title of “The United States Open Baton Championship”.

He is appearing as “Brook” and “Ivankov” in B and C programs, and “Kei” in A and D programs.

Don’t miss the beautiful voice of Ivankov, everyone!