今日はハワイ日本文化センター 🇯🇵 へ





日系人が乗り越えて来た悲しい歴史 汗 があってこその、楽園ハワイ 虹  だと改めて感じることができる貴重な場所でした


明日の帰国 飛行機 を前に、大好きな海へ 


この海  は日本 🇯🇵 と繋がっているんだって、きっと一世の人たちは眺めたんだろうな


ディナーまでロイヤルハワイアン  でのんびり





ディナーはステーキ ステーキ を自分で焼く”The Reef Bar & Market Grill”  へ







アンジェラ  が待ってるからね


Visited Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii.

They exhibit the history of Japanese immigrants there.

It’s the place you can learn that because of them, the Japanese immigrants, who overcame the hardships of immigration, we can enjoy this paradise.

Afterwards, we went to see the beautiful ocean to say “bye” since we’re leaving tomorrow morning.

Probably the immigrants overcame the hardships by looking at this ocean thinking that she could lead you to their home country Japan.

Relaxed at the Royal Hawaiian Hotel until dinner time.

We had dinner at the Reef Bar & Market Grill where you can grill your own steak.

Well, time to go home tomorrow.

Vacation is over.

And Angela is waiting for us.