今日はハワイ大学    本  メモ の演劇科のJulie Iezzi 先生とランチラーメン


地元の人に人気   の点心専門のお店へ 







ハワイ大学 は 妻が何十年も前に  学んだ大学で、いつも行くと懐かしいを連発 





Had lunch with a professor Julie Iezzi of Department of Dance and Drama at University of Hawaii at Manoa.

She took us to a dim sum restaurant in Kaimuki which seemed to be so popular among locals.

The moment you were seated ladies started asking us if we wanted each dim sums.

If you’re overawed with their Chinese English speech asking if you want dumplings, spring rolls or whatever, you’ll be surprised with the whole bunch of dim sums on your table, I’m sure.

Anyway, we enjoyed them very much.

I’m sure I’m coming back.

After wonderful lunch, we went to Julie’s office to talk for a while.

Since University of Hawaii is the school my wife studied so many decades?  ago, she says “it brings back memories” whenever we go there.

I hope I could make her happy.