今日は待ちに待った”Kualoa Ranch” 🐂 🐎 🐄 🐖 🐈 🐓 🐿 での乗馬 🐎


これだけはハワイ   に来たら、やりたいもの 

ここの馬 🐎 はみんなとてもよく調教されているけれど、今日の僕のローラ  と言う馬は特にお利口さん 



娘の馬のズース 🐴 はマイペースで途中で草を何度も食もうとしたり  、居眠りを始めたりzzz ぐぅぐぅ  

馬 馬 の上から見る自然は素晴らしく平和できれい           

ここはハリウッド映画 🎬🎥や「ハワイ5ー0」など多くの作品のロケ地になっているところ


馬 🐴 たちに別れを告げて  カイルアの町をお散歩 足

ファーマーズマーケット 音譜 では美味しそうなバーベキューの匂い ラブ に負けそうになっちゃったウシシ



スーパーマーケット で様々買い込んで お金 お金 お金 幸せ 



We to horseback riding at “Kualoa Ranch” today that I had been longing for.

This is the top of my list that I want to do whenever I come to Hawaii.

All the horses are quite well trained but most of all, Lora, the one who gave me a ride today was so well trained and smart.

But my daughter’s horse Zuth seemed to be sleepy and tends to things at his own pace.

He tried to eat grasses so many times and even started falling asleep.

The ranch is the place where so many Hollywood movies and popular TV series such as “Hawaii 5-0” have been filmed.

The views you can look from the horse back is so beautiful and peaceful.

After saying “thank you” and “goodbyes” to the horses, we strolled around the town of Kailua.

We happened to pass a farmer’s market where you need to fight for so many temptations.

Felt so happy to shop so many sweets.