博多座「二月花形歌舞伎」公演 の千穐楽
沢山の感動 🥇🥈🥉 ⛸ 🥌 ⛷ 🏂 を頂いた平昌オリンピック も閉会式
なんだか さみしいな
博多の皆様、心からのおもてなし ありがとうございました
At last, it’s the final day of February Kabuki in Hakataza today.
At the same time, PyeongChang Olympic Games I have excited so much is going to close pretty soon .
I’m sure I’m going to miss them.
I’m so grateful to the people in Hakata for the heartwarming welcomes extended to us.
Thank you so much for the patronage!