それにしても今日の男子フィギュア ⛸ は見応えがあったなぁ音譜

怪我から不死鳥のごとく蘇り  オリンピック 二冠を達成した 🎊 羽生選手 


惜しくもメダルは逃したけれどその他の選手     も大健闘  でハイレベルな戦いに釘付け 

博多座  でも「お染の七役」では いてうくん  が引っ込みの際に、二人の金メダル🥇、銀メダル🥈を報告📣したそう (僕は出ていなくて、その場に立ち会えなかったけどね 汗)




ところでそんな博多のお散歩 足 で見つけたもの

宇宙猫 👨‍🚀 + 😺


ペットボトルキャップくま 🐻


イタズラ小僧 イヒ  グラサン  ニヤ 


本当の名前は知らない  けど…

面白い ゲラゲラ

こりゃまだありそうだな  目 🔎

門之助  クラッカー

It was super exciting!

Probably the whole Japan is in a jubilant mood.

Yuzuru Hanyu has risen like a phoenix from the ashes and won the double crown.

Although it was his first Olympic game, Shouma Uno didn’t buckle under the pressure and won the silver medal.

And despite their awesome skatings, the rest of the skaters who could not win the medals, did all great.

Upon Icho kun’s report that Hanyu and Uno has won the gold and silver medals as he walked away from hanamichi passage in “Osome no Nanayaku”, the audience gave three cheers with actors on stage. 

You see, Hakata is excited too on their victory.

Astronaut cat

Plastic bottle cap bear

Rascals ...

These are the things I found in streets in Hakata.

Sorry, I don’t know their real names.

But don’t you think they are cool?

Maybe I can find some more.