一月    も今日で終わりニコ

博多座  のお稽古を終え、ベイサイドプレイス博多 へ





豪華客船 🛳はすでに出航しちゃったのか、見つからなかったし…もやもや  ぐすん

皆さんはスーパーブルーブラッドムーン🌗 観ていますか?

門之助 チョコレート

The end of January.

After rehearsal, I went to Bayside Place Hakata expecting to view Total Lunar Eclipse over luxury liner which was said to be in port.

Unfortunately, the clouds don’t cooperate for me to witness “Super Blue Blood Moon”.

I couldn’t find the liner which may have already left the pier, I just don’t know.

How about you?

Are you viewing the moon?