台風21号 🌬 はたくさんの被害を残して、温帯低気圧に変わりましたね。





新橋演舞場   では交通機関 電車 飛行機 車 の乱れに備えて、役者、スタッフの中で楽屋に泊まった人たちがいたんですよ


さて、一回公演の今日  は…

猿之助さん  にお夕飯 を届けに病院  へ




良かったぁアップ OK

門之助 ハロウィン

Super Typhoon Lan has been downgraded to a tropical depression this afternoon leaving a trail of destruction.

Hope everyone is OK.

Among actors and staff, there were some stayed overnight at Shinbashi Enbujyou last night in preparation of public transportation being messed up by bad weather tomorrow morning.

Has any of you ever stayed overnight at your workplace?

Have been to see Ennosuke san at hospital to deliver nutritious dinner tonight.

Glad to find him recovering a lot.