休演日   の今日は日本橋の「べったら市」 へ

宝田恵比寿神社 神社 にまずはお詣り

さてこの写真の中に僕の名前があるんだけど、わかるかなぁ 口笛



娘はおばちゃんとスマートボールで勝負して、すもも飴を2個ゲットアップ 音譜





ここは左團次さん   男女蔵さん  親子も出没するところ

今日は… 目



明日からの舞台   もバッチリだぁ

デザートに「Ben & Jerries」のアイスクリーム 🍨




せっかく熱く燃えたメラメラのに、氷河時代 雪の結晶 雪の結晶 雪の結晶 だぁ〜ガーン

門之助  ハロウィン

Been to “Bettara Festival” in Nihonbashi.

It’s a festival of Ebisu the god of prosperou business and thus I visited the shrine and prayed for prosperous year ahead.

You see my name in the photo?

My daughter got two candies by winning a game with a food stand owner.

While I couldn’t.

Had Korean BBQ where Sadanji san and his son Omezo san often visit.

But...I couldn’t find them tonight.

Now that I’ve had enough meet, I’m burning as Tony Tony Chopper says in the play and am ready for the stage.

As dessert, had “ Ben & Jerries” ice cream...

Oh, my goodness!

It’s gone!

The fire...

I’m frozen as if I were attacked by snow storm of Ice Age.